Unlimited Colon hydrotherapy for only $79ea.png

You are amazing, and you deserve to feel that, every single day.
You are a Soul in a body, and the wellness of your Belly and Body influence every aspect of your Human life,
and your connection to Soul.

Our ability to interact in this human experience and to live a vibrant, purpose-driven life absolutely depends on having a healthy body. To truly be well, satisfied, thriving and compassionately influential, we must learn to create our body, mind and spirit to be resilient, adaptable, balanced and learn to live in states of coherence and symbiosis.

This is a journey that demands learning, inner work, self-evaluation and an openness to see, perceive and know ourselves differently. This journey takes place in the physicality of our bodies and bellies, in the mind, the heart, and the soul. This is the journey of self liberation, sovereignty, and personal growth. SoulBelly Wellness holds a vision of us individually and collectively learning to know ourselves and growing to heal ourselves so that we may become empowered, educated and powerful in our ability to create balance and healing within all aspects of ourselves and our lives.

Here at SoulBelly Wellness, we are inspired and committed to supporting, growing and transforming all aspects of you that you seek healing and transformation within. We approach this from all perspectives necessary, as you are not just your mind, or your body, or your spirit. You are eternally magnificent and it is your birthright to live a life of true health, mental and emotional stability, sustainable vitality, and of continual Soul integration.


I am Ivy

I help people become the next versions of themselves that they dream of in their hearts. We transform the body, mind, emotions, spirit and relationship with self and others.

Together, we explore deeply and navigate change and growth efficiently. We cultivate new and true alignment in your internal and external worlds, while creating balance, abundance, coherence and success on all levels.

I support you to my fullest capacity, on any and all levels that you wish to meet me on, be it holistic health, gut healing, weight loss, cleansing, emotional challenges or personal or relationship goals, spiritual embodiment, Dark Night of the Soul, or beyond.

When I am not coaching incredible humans throughout the world, I practice as an internationally certified Colon Hydrotherapist currently in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Alongside Colon Hydrotherapy, I offer abdominal visceral massage, food intolerance testing with applied kinesiology, Psych-K subconscious rebalancing, hypnotherapy and holistic health coaching.

As a whole-hearted, great humored Canadian, my life hobbies include much time with animals and in nature. I greatly value bowels that function like glorious clockwork, drinking a gallon daily, time in the sun, making a meal with love, and the awe of travel.

I do this work because I had spent nearly my entire life as an ill, constipated, over-medicated, depressed and anxious girl and young woman. I have first hand experienced the tragedy of our broken medical system and the life altering affects of being wrongly diagnosed, mis-medicated, misunderstood and was left alone to heal myself. So I studied like a mad woman for years, and now that I am on the other side of this, with a profound understanding of how a soulful human body can and will heal itself, I am at your service to help you on your own journey.


Life Enhancing

Personal Transformation through subconscious work and increasing self awareness and presence

Holistic Bio-Spiritual Life Coaching to support and guide you through your own personal transformation. This journey is unique to each client, and we work in depth specifically on the aspects and challenges you are experiencing, whether it be physical, cleansing related, diet, lifestyle, subconscious work or spiritual embodiment and soul integration. This is an incredibly effective program of support that allows you to transcend your previous limitations, fears and unbalanced beliefs while integrating and embodying your next, more evolved and conscious version of yourself. In this journey together we

Neurolinguistic Programming further develops transformative relationship within the self, the conscious and subconscious mind.

Subconscious and Emotional Integration (Psych-K) is a subconscious mind reprogramming technique which gently and effectively removes limiting beliefs and subconscious programming that keeps us stuck in life. 95% of our lives are run off of the programming within the subconscious mind, and when we work from this place, actual personal transformation becomes immediate and lasting. This work is heavily supported by Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Hypnotherapy to recalibrate the subconscious mind, integrate experiences, assist in balancing ones’ internal world. Can assist with everything from addictions to confidence to past life and innate wisdom connection.

Teaching alignment to Nature, Universal Laws, our inter-connectedness and the strengthening and transformation that comes from expanding your personal perspectives in these areas.

Gut healing transformation and increasing vitality and health

Holistic Health Coaching to support and guide you through your own personal transformation. This journey is unique to each client, and we work specifically on the aspects and challenges you are experiencing, whether it be physical, cleansing related, diet, lifestyle, subconscious work or spiritual embodiment and soul integration

Cleansing the body and digestive tract of accumulated (physical and emotional) waste, bacteria, yeasts, mucous, parasites and more.


Colon Hydrotherapy as an Internationally Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. This safe and gentle procedure requires multiple sessions and effectively removes the accumulated waste materials (impacted fecal matter, yeast, mucous, parasites, unfriendly bacteria, heavy metals, etc) from the body and enhances immune and nervous system functioning, hydration, lessens inflammation and digestive symptoms and much more.

Enhancing and strengthening the micro-biome (your body’s ecosystem which affects everything about you - nervous system, immune system, hormone regulation, cognitive functioning and more).

Supporting, learning and recalibrating the body as a miraculous system of organs that are self-regenerating and healing when understood accurately and cared for intention

Food Sensitivity and Intolerance testing using Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing). This method allows your body’s innate wisdom and energy field to show you exactly what foods and substances are supportive and healing, and exactly which should be avoided (often temporarily) because they create greater burden and inflammation, which is a road block for healing.

In-Home Consulting and Holistic Home Overhaul


Navigating my website

If you’ve found yourself here, certainly there is some form of magic and medicine within these pages for you. My skillset and expertise serves and supports individual humans in different ways, and I have included a wealth of information, resources and support within this website.

Here is a little summary to help you navigate:

Holistic Bio-Spiritual Coaching

We are here as human beings to learn, grow and heal ourselves, and this internal work of self-evolution occurs much easier and faster with the intelligent and intuitive support of a soulful guide on your journey.

I passionately hold the integrity of a tight, sacred container for you to heal and align your human life on all levels: belly and body, mind, emotions and spirit. We navigate together a letting go of everything that no longer serves (subconsciously, consciously and physically) and recalibrate and re-align your core values and beliefs. We integrate energetic polarities and past trauma, while balancing sacred feminine and divine masculine energies. Together we create a clear vision of the next version of you and map the path of your embodiment and healing.

It is my absolute honor to support incredible women and men on the journey of self realization and the healing of the physical body. I show up fully and meet you exactly where you are at, understanding that everything aligns in perfect timing for each gorgeous, unique Soul.

How I support each client is as unique as they are. We focus and dig deep into the transformation that your Heart seeks. For some people this is predominantly working to heal the physical body; for others we work more in the spiritual realms… I meet you wherever you currently find yourself on your own path of healing and awakening.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Whether you are receiving colonics from me, curious about them, or live at a distance and want to be educated while cleansing your gut from afar - I’ve included EVERYTHING you need to know about the process, the prep work, after care, diet, FAQs and more. The COLONICS section of this website is where ALL this info lives.
If you are a new client, it is ideal that you review this entire section of information before we begin therapy, and please complete my confidential new client intake form.

Gut Recalibration + Body Healing

Healing anything in the body (at least 90% of disease and symptoms) always comes down to HEALING YOUR GUT. The body simply cannot actually fully heal, balance and experience greater vitality and wellness if the gut is in a state of disbiosis and inflammation. ALL HEALING MUST BEGIN IN THE CORE OF US. The gut is your foundation for regulating your immune system, nervous system, cognitive functioning, emotional balance and much more.

Regardless of whether or not you want to have colon hydrotherapy treatments, and regardless of if you are near or far, I help people of all walks of life to begin healing their bodies from the inside out. I take an intelligent, intuitive and systematic approach and this process is unique for each incredible human that works with me. I meet you where you are at in your journey, and we create the process of healing and balancing quickly and easily.

I help both women and men of all ages with this process of internal healing.
We work to balance inflammatory, acidic, and auto-immune imbalances that manifest as: anxiety, depression, mood imbalances, fogginess, forgetfulness and lethargy, sleep troubles, head aches and migraines, lymphatic troubles, dehydration, auto-immune conditions, menstrual challenges, food, environmental and seasonal allergies, skin issues, digestion problems, constipation and most all other common symptoms that folks experience.

This journey of healing the body includes us evolving and enhancing your diet, hydration, digestive tract functioning and lifestyle habits. Often our healing approach will also include subconscious mind recalibration and emotional work as well (PSYCH-K, hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, coaching and more).


Awakening Holistic Wellness Blog

My personal and professional opinions, methods, inspiration and supportive information and resources are all found here.


Downloads at Dusk (Blog)

This is less of a blog, and more of a creative space where I get still and quiet, and allow the words and teachings of Soul to come through. My intention is to create a non-linear poetic guide to help navigate the journey of awakening for those on the path of awakening. I trust that if these words are meant for you, you will find your way here in perfect timing.