Colon Hydrotherapy allows us to begin healing on many levels.
Cleansing is an exciting and rewarding experience. The average healthy human easily is congested with 5-25 pounds of old waste, bacteria, yeast, toxins and more impacted along the walls of the intestines. When we begin cleansing and releasing this (for often the first time in ones' life), we begin feeling more vital, balanced, alive and energetic than we have in years!
That being said, cleansing is a journey. It is not an immediate destination by any means. We are all in our current states of health based upon the conscious and unconscious daily behaviors, thoughts, emotions and foods that we have filled our life with, often as far back as to childhood. When we experience inflammation, digestive troubles, autoimmune issues, anxiety or depression, etc - this always points towards a toxic gut and congested body. When we cleanse the colon and balance the ecosystem of the digestive tract, we are working at getting to the true root of the symptoms we are experiencing. This is work that takes some time and effort to embark upon, but regaining our health and vitality is worth every ounce of effort and intention. Becoming truly healthy and balanced is really about connecting more deeply with our own bodies, letting go of all the sh*t (literally and energetically) that we allow to weigh heavy within us, and learning how simple it is to take really good and loving care of ourselves - and others. We liberate ourselves by becoming truly self-responsible and understand the laws of cause and effect, and that our health is a result of our actions, decisions and thoughts, and that when we simple change these things, our health will directly reflect this benevolent changes. And great news, this doesn't have to take long or be very hard.
This page is to show you the easiest, most comfortable and effective way to support your body to have great results from the time, energy and money that you are investing into regaining and creating vibrant health and internal balance. The more of these suggestions that you can adopt as habits daily during this journey, the better and easier and more enjoyable this process is likely to become. The gut is the microcosm in the macrocosm, and when we cleanse and balance the gut, we often can experience shifts in many areas of our human experience. Elimination is Illumination. And Health is the First Wealth.
Please Note:
Please drink the psyllium and bentonite drink daily on an empty stomach for the week before your first colonics, and then continue throughout the cleansing process as well.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS about the process, the prep work or how your digestive tract is feeling, please call. Also, there's a ton of info in this website to support your colonics experience. FAQs will answer many likely questions also.
EAT on the day of your colonic. Cleansing takes energy, so please do not fast all day, unless you are in a juice or liquid fast or have experience fasting. Refrain from eating a large meal or drinking liquid in the 2 hours before your appointment.
If you are juice fasting, it is very important to have a colonic or enema during the fast.
It's best to NOT drink alcohol or eat processed or fast foods in the 2 days before you have a colonic.
The cleaner you eat throughout this process, and the more hydrated you stay --- you will feel better and reap better benefits, for real. It is absolutely worth the time and effort to cultivate more mindful diet habits throughout this journey.
Eat lightly, especially in the 2 days prior to your colonic and the day of. This means increasing your consumption of green juices, broths, soups, smoothies and salads. Refrain from eating red meat and pork, processed and deep fried foods, artificial ingredients and sweeteners, breads/pastries/pastas and dairy products. These all produce more congestion, mucus and toxic load in the body.
Hydrate Your Body!
The healthiest and best version of
yourself is hydrated.
Becoming properly hydrated is the absolutely the most necessary foundation to being physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually balanced and vital. The body runs off electromagnetic energy, and water is a conduit for this energy to flow and function. Your skin, your digestion, your organs, tissue and brain all demand that you drink ample good quality water if we want our body to function properly.
Working on drinking enough water daily during the cleansing process with Colonics will very much help your Colonics be more effective, cleanse deeper and feel more comfortable.
For the process of cleansing, it is important that you begin drinking at minimal 3-4 quarts of water daily. Some of this can be in the form of organic herbal teas, lemon water or green juices. The best estimate of how much water your body needs daily is to take your body weight in pounds, and then divide that in half. This simple formula determines approximately how many ounce of water your body requires for decent basic functioning. If you are sweating a lot, or drinking alcohol, soda or coffee, then your body will need more water on top of this daily.
The quality of your water matters!
Please refrain from drinking tap water... ever. Blog post to come on that soon. Please purchase bottled water that has been purified through distillation or reverse osmosis. These are the best forms of water purification. At Whole Foods, Earth Fare and Walmart they have water units where you can fill your own 5 gallon jugs very less than $2. Also be sure to be cooking with purified water.
Probiotics are a worthy investment while you are cleansing. It is possible that by flushing out the 'bad' bacteria with old waste that we may be also flushing out some of the 'good' bacteria. Taking a high quality probiotic on the evenings of your colonics and throughout your cleansing process can be hugely beneficial in countless ways. Incorporating raw, fermented foods like high quality and unpasteurized sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, etc is also very beneficial to repopulate the gut with a great ecosystem.
With probiotics, we are often desiring a product that is at least partially soil-based, refrigerated, with 50-100 billion cultures and a high number of strains of bacteria in it. I personally rotate my probiotics after each bottle to keep my gut microbiome more diverse.
Diet Changes for Better Colonics
With 90% of diseases originating in the colon, it is extremely clear that what we eat is the primary director of whether we have a healthy body and strong immune system, or whether we live in a toxic, dehydrated and inflamed body that is moving in the opposite direction of health and vitality. These diet suggestions pertain to daily life in general, but are also very important during the cleansing process of Colon Hydrotherapy. The cleaner you eat during this process, the more effective and comfortable your detoxing and healing will be. Period. This cannot be emphasized enough.
A lot of what most people’s typical daily diet creates a lot of stress, inflammation and congestion within the digestives tract. This is what leads to digestive problems, inflammatory issues, weight gain, anxiety + depression, skin troubles, stagnant immune system and so forth.
Remember, YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. It’s really that simple.
“Constipation - this most common disease - has not decreased or improved in spite of thousands of remedies for sale on the market, and in spite of so-called medical science; simply, because the “diet of civilization” is unnatural. The human intestines are not organized at all for this unnatural food to either digest it perfectly, or to expel the unused residue.”
- RO. ARNOLD EHRET - Author of The Definite Cure of Chronic Constipation
Congesting Foods to Avoid or reduce
Dairy (especially conventional dairy that is not organic). Best to avoid all dairy as it is mucous forming.
Bread-like products, especially when conventional and processed.
This includes breads, pastries, muffins, cakes, biscuits, tortillas, pasta, crackers, cookies, etc. And when/if you do eat these things, please look at ingredients and choose minimal ingredients that do not include degraded vegetable oils or anything artificial. Food items made of flours also are drying on the body, leading to more congestion and constipation.
Processed/degraded Vegetable Oils
Oils are some of the most inflammatory ingredients that are found in nearly all packaged foods. At all cost , avoid these oils as they create toxicity, weight gain, and are also often carcinogenic.
Animal Meats
If you choose to eat animal products, please become mindful that they should be eating in moderation, as it is hard to digest and it’s simply not necessary to consume the flesh of another sentient being. So if you are choosing to eat meat, I suggest staying away always from pork, tuna, and eating less red meat in general. Animal products should always be organic, pasture raised, no gmo feed, no hormones or antibiotics. Eating meat is also a great avenue of getting parasites. So be mindful with your consumption.
Soda / Sweet Tea
These are very sugary, addictive and create inflammation and greater toxic load on the body.
ALWAYS stay away from diet/sugar-free sodas and sweet teas as they contain dangerous neurotoxins that can easily lead to cognitive disorders and even Alzheimers and dementia.
Drinking alcohol is also something that we need to demand good quality, if you are going to drink it at all. There toxic chemicals added to pretty drinks and coolers. It’s best to refrain from drinking alcohol at all during cleansing, as it is very dehydrating and disrupts the entire ecosystem of the body. The yeast and sugar of alcohol directly feeds cultures of yeast and parasites in the body, therefore growing the ‘bad’ army of our digestive tract and thus influencing the entire body.
Tap Water
So you’ve gotta drink more water in general, and especially while we are cleansing and healing. Tap water, however, is very poor quality water and should not be drank. If we are cleansing the body, we need PURE water going into our mouths, so that the water is not putting a greater toxic load on us, while we are wanting it to help pull toxicity out. Tap water contains fluoride (neurotoxin that calcifies the pineal gland), bacteria, pharmaceuticals, parasites and more. Yuck. Go get purified water. This is so important.
Fast Food + Deep Fried Food
This stuff is extremely inflammatory and toxic. This should not be considered food. If you eat fast food, you are filling yourself with addicting empty calories while leaving your cells starving for the nutrition they need to function. Your body is constantly rebuilding and re-creating itself, and if you are eating fast food, then those are the building blocks you are giving your body to use. It’s all simply cause and effect. Expect to not feel good if we do not eat good foods.
Cleansing + Healing Foods to Eat
Fruit (in its whole form) is wonderfully cleansing and healing. It contains many vitamins, high water content and good fiber. Follow guidelines of The Dirty Dozen and The Clean Fifteen (see below). Fresh or frozen are the best ways to consume fruit. Ideally, fruit should only be eaten with fruit, and not combining it with any other foods, because it digests rapidly. Fruit is best in the morning and mid-day, and leaving heavier foods with fats and proteins and complex carbs until later in the day. Try home made fruit bowls or smoothies.
Again, follow The Dirty Dozen and The Clean Fifteen guidelines. Vegetables are excellent for cleansing and rebuilding the body. High water content, lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber are perfect for strengthening your digestion. It is ideal to include raw and lightly cooked vegetables in your diet. Soups, stews, broths, stir fry and steamed vegetables are great. Eat your veggies fresh or from frozen, ideally not canned.
Green Juices / Fresh Pressed Vegetable Juices
Juice is an incredible gift to the body. Juicing is highly medicinal and cleansing WHEN it’s ORGANIC and mostly VEGETABLE based. It’s fine to have some fruit (apple, pineapple, lemon, lime) added to your veggie juice, but we want it to be primarily vegetable juice to keep it from being too much of a sugar rush for the body.
The Dirty Dozen
These are the 12 conventional produce items that (even after being peeled and washed) still contain a significant toxic load from pesticides/fungicides/herbicides and are also often genetically modified. If you are going to eat any of these things, you want to make sure they are organic. Read more here.
Sweet Bell Peppers
The Clean Fifteen
These are the 15 conventional produce items that are the ‘cleanest’ and after being washed/peeled are the safer of conventional produce to eat. So, if eating healthy and on a budget and you cannot afford to eat all organic, these are the 15 items that are safest to eat of conventional produce. Read more here.
Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas (frozen)
Papayas (but make sure it says non-gmo)
Honeydew Melons
Fun Facts
The colon is a muscular organ and colonics strengthen the colon to have stronger peristalsis (muscular contraction that keeps you pooping regularly). Colon Hydrotherapy is often used to rehabilitate and strengthen the colon of geriatrics, paraplegics and quadraplegics. You won't become addicted, and there is no way this can make your bowel less functional like laxatives and stool softeners.
The colon has more neurons in it than your brain and spinal cord. Your nervous system is massively influenced by the state of your gut health and balance. Over 90% of our serotonin is created in the gut, and depression and anxiety are directly connected to gut imbalance and congestion.
The ideal poop is often described as only taking 7-12 seconds to be pooped, and will be a medium brown and firm enough to have a log shape, yet soft enough that it breaks up when the toilet flushes. If we eat 2-3 meals plus snacks a day, we should ideally be having at least 2-3 bowel movements daily.
Just one bowel movement each day is actually still constipation.
The bowel is one of the first organs to become dehydrated in the body. For good bowel health, drinking 3-4 quarts of purified water daily is very necessary for a properly functioning digestive tract, nervous system and body.
If you have frequent diarrhea, this does not mean that your colon is clean because your bowel movements are liquidy. This generally implies that there is toxic and inflammatory build up on the intestinal walls, and thus the tissue is inflamed and irritated, so this influences the body to rapidly rid itself of the digesting food / bowel movement, so it comes out still very fluid and uncomfortably. This also impacts us in a very dehydrating way.
Most humans have intestinal parasites. I know, it sounds disgusting. But it's just very common and not that scary. If we do have parasites, it's very important that this are cleansed out of the body. Parasites can have very toxic and inflammatory affects on us that are often unfortunately overlooked and misdiagnosed. And what if the health problems you experience are actually because you have parasites that you don’t know about? Wouldn’t you want to know if this is the root cause, and then change it?