“Colonics have helped me feel happier, less anxious, get better sleep and make better choices for my body.”
Getting colonics with Ivy has been more amazing than I could have imagined. The positive changes in my mental and physical health have been incredible to watch happen naturally as I go through the process of clearing my gut from the toxic build up that has accumulated over the years.
It is clear to me that the link between the gut and brain is very real—colonics have helped me to feel happier, less anxious, get better sleep, and make healthier choices for my body. My cravings for any unhealthy food have essentially disappeared and been replaced by cravings for wholesome and healthy food. All of this has happened and I am only about half way through being fully cleansed, so I am excited to see what will continue to unfold in the next few weeks as I finish up my sessions. I am so thankful that Ivy is here in Chattanooga to facilitate such profound healing on a very deep level that will benefit me for life!
- ES, Chattanooga, TN
“ Ivy and her colon hydrotherapy system as it has been a life changing experience for me and my family. The result of colonics on my husband’s body has been dramatic.”
I have been more than happy to have discovered Ivy and her colon hydrotherapy system as it has been a life changing experience for me and my family.
Health has been a priority in my family’s life since my husband was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease at the age of 17. The initial treatment included medical convention route of multiple prescription drugs which comes with multiple side effects and treats only the symptoms without
addressing the true culprit of disease- an out of balance body.
My first colonic with Ivy was scheduled more or less to become acquainted with the process that my husband was going though- so that we could compare results using a “healthy” system versus a “diseased” system. I was amazed by Ivy’s professionalism in explaining the process of how the gut’s accumulation of matter can cause disease and distress in our bodies.
The result of colonics on my husband’s body has been dramatic. Since becoming more aware of his system through colonics, he now can tell what foods contribute to his disease and vice versa- how to use food to heal the body. His bowel movements have been more consistent, he sleeps better, and he is on the right path to healing.
Colonics have also been mandatory to my heath as well. Colonics have helped me become more aware of my own body, which I now realize that I was having bloating issues almost on a daily basis. I no longer have this problem.
Ivy has definitely been an inspiring force in our lives and I now visit her monthly for maintenance colonics- theses sessions and my visits with her help keep me and my family on the health path and I look forward to them each month.
- Tara Taymore, Chattanooga, TN
“The colonics were thorough and I released so much old waste AND MOST IMPORTANTLY , MANY, MANY large parasites.”
I have just left Chattanooga where I vacationed for a week and met up with Ivy Glab at Rehu Colonics.
I had previously used Ivy’s services in both Edmonton and Golden, Canada. She has probably given me approx 35 colonics since 2012. On this trip I received seven colonics, one for each day I spent there.
I arrived quite heavy and puffy/bloated. She immediately noticed my congestion and puffiness and started me intermittent fasting, becoming hydrated, eating vegetarian and fortifying my diet with green juices and smoothies. The colonics were thorough and I released so much old waste AND MOST IMPORTANTLY , MANY, MANY large parasites. Each day I thought “this must be the end of them,” but each day there were more. Ivy was great at predicting and informing me when and why they were appearing. The nutritional information she taught me is so important in dealing with the parasites going forward.
I am going home:
1) Eight Pounds lighter
2) Two belt loops smaller. Also smaller bra clasps. My girth has shrunken.
3) More energetic.
4) Clearer thoughts
We plan to keep in touch though social media so she can continue to coach me.....I will have to find a colon hydrotherapist back home, hopefully as competent as Ivy.
- Mar, Canada
“TRUE HEALING CAN TAKE PLACE FROM THE INSIDE OUT- colonics are like hitting the rest button for your body so that it can truly heal!””
I’ve had Crohn’s disease for roughly 18 years now. Over the course of that time, I have tried to improve my condition, desperate to not get on pharma drugs that bring harsh side effects or to even have to consider that nasty word……surgery. It’s been hopeful that there is something greater than just submitting to what the regular medical “protocol” is. In the last 10 years I’ve tried almost every diet out there to try to heal my body, seeking something that would put me over the edge to the healing side.
I had a dear friend who had said on a number of occasions, “Jesse, you should really try colonics, I think they would really help”. My problem was I didn’t like the idea of how colonics work and it seemed very out of my comfort zone.
At some point in all decisions, you reach a cross roads of making a choice, and since my stomach issues weren’t improving I needed to make a decision. I choose the natural path and haven’t looked back! Colonics have been extremely beneficial for my body. At first the toxicity was so great that I wasn’t sure if I could continue, but with time, patience, and following intuition, I have found great results through this restorative process. True healing can take place from the inside out- colonics are like hitting the reset button for your body so that it can truly heal!
Ivy has been an amazing practitioner- and makes this process as comfortable as possible. She also gives you guidance and direction on how to help heal your body.
But you do have to put in the work as well. Eat right, follow the recommendations to synergistically push the bad out, and breathe happy thoughts through the process!
I truly believe that we can all benefit by having colonics, trust your body with the good and all will be well : )
- Jesse, Chattanooga, TN
“She literally saved me from going through surgery that I now know was unnecessary”
I feel so blessed to have been able to talk to Ivy about some of my health concerns. I am a very visual person and I was so tired of hearing the same old words from a doctor, and not understanding what he was saying, but after talking to Ivy I now have a visual of what is actually happening in my body.
She explained it to me so well and suggested to me that I could fix the problem myself through nutrition and by changing my life style. No one needs pharmaceutical drugs; they just need to know how the body works.
Ivy is a born teacher and so knowledgeable about nutrition. She believes it, lives it and is now helping others understand it. She literally saved me from going through surgery that I now know was unnecessary.
- Doris, Edmonton, Canada
“I felt great after that and the pain in my hips went almost totally away.”
I just turned 53. I first tried Colon Hydrotherapy about a year ago. I had an Iridology analysis done before that and it pointed to some problems with my colon. So I decided to see what Colon Hydrotherapy could do. On my second session a bunch of old stuff came out. I felt great after that and the pain in my hips went almost totally away. Just like flushing old stuff out of a vehicle, it makes sense to your health and well-being to take advantage of this technology.
- D. Cross, Edmonton, Canada
“After over 5 years of struggle, i feel free from the voice in the back of my head telling me to use opiates.”
Colonics has helped me in a very surprising way—After over five years of struggling with opiate addiction and cravings, I feel free from the voice in the back of my head telling me to use opiates. While this voice had become very small—it was still there on an almost daily basis, and I think anyone who has overcome or is currently struggling with an addiction to opiates will know what I am talking about.
I think colonics helped this for a few reasons. The things that made me crave opiates, such as anxiety, sadness, or “boredom” no longer affect me as much (if at all), and my gut has been cleared of toxic junk that undoubtedly contained traces of past drug use.
This is an incredibly freeing feeling, and I encourage anyone who struggles with this type of problem to seek out colonics with Ivy. She provides a safe space that is free of judgment and extremely conducive to healing.
- Anonymous, Chattanooga, TN
“She has educated me on how to listen and actually hear what my body needs. To be on the same page as my body is such a freeing experience”
Five years ago, I became a mom to beautiful twin boys. Of all of the struggles that come along with being a new mom (especially of 2 newborns), the one thing I wasn't worried about was caring for my children. However, at this point I was overridden with anxiety and constant worry. I just didn't feel right, something was wrong. I went to my OBGYN who I have a great relationship with and trust very much, I was checked and it was determined by blood test that I had postpartum Hypothyroidism. This wasn't a complete surprise since the same happened to my sister after she had a set of twins too. However, my sister's doctor ran additional tests on her and determined she has Hashimotos, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. My doctor didn't feel it was necessary to test me for this, but felt it was likely I did have it as well.
Fast forward the next 4 years (because they were long and hard and overwhelming in regards to my health). I gained weight- used crazy methods to lose weight. I felt horrible- my anxiety was getting worse- almost to the point where I was in a constant state of fear. My body felt like it was running off of sludge, literally. I had horrible inflammation in my low back that kept me in a constant state of pain that I dealt with because I don't like taking pain medications.
I eventually found a chiropractor that started to educate me on how food effects the body. Other than weight gain- I never associated food with any other issues. This was the first time I had ever been told that I need to avoid certain items because of my thyroid. This was so new to me and honestly it was overwhelming.
Then my sweet friend introduced me to Ivy. And honestly I can say without hesitation, that introduction changed my life that day. Ivy has not only helped me by providing the colon hydrotherapy service, but she has educated me on how to listen and actually hear what my body needs. To be on the same page as my body is such a freeing experience. We have been at such war with each other most of my life. I felt like I was living in someone else's body. Today, I am learning to connect with my body, love myself enough to take care of my body, and have confidence in where my personal journey will take me. Today I have hope that I haven't felt for my health in a long time, but I am so excited to see how far I will go in improving my health in the next few months.
- KS, Chattanooga, TN