What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colon Hydrotherapy is also often referred to as colonics, colon irrigation or colon lavage. In a colonic, we gently introduce warm, purified water into the colon (large intestine), where the accumulated fecal waste is hydrated, softened and loosened. Through natural peristalsis (the muscular contraction within the colon) the loosened waste material is easily released. Along with the removal of toxins, yeast, potential parasites and more, the body is also hydrated, strengthened and the colon is rehabilitated and toned through this experience. Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective and gentle way to regain proper bowel function, balance intestinal flora and can influence healing in all systems of the body through the cleansing of the colon.
Please check out COLONICS TV with Julie Tyler for more inspiring, informational videos.
What conditions is Colon Hydrotherapy beneficial for?
Colon Hydrotherapy is extremely beneficial for many different conditions and symptoms that occur throughout the entire body - not only within the digestive tract. The health of the digestive tract, or lack thereof, has both direct and indirect consequences on the functioning of the entire body, and even on the mental and emotional well-being of an individual. The condition of the colon alone indicates a wealth of information as to what is occurring in the body and mind as a whole. We must remember that the body is composed of many systems, however all of these systems work together and everything literally effects everything. Nothing is separate. Nothing is random. Nothing is coincidence when it comes to our health.
Colon Hydrotherapy is most commonly utilized for:
Rehydration of colon
Acute fecal impaction
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Disease
Stomach aches, indigestion, belching
Hyperthermia and Hypothermia
Bowel training for paraplegics
Parasites cleansing
Immune system strengthening
Atonic colon
Abdominal distension
Mild to moderate hemorrhoids
Preparation for surgery
After a barium enema
Preparation for colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy
Balancing the ecology and flora of the digestive tract
Supplying nutrients to the body through a tincture enema
Skin conditions (rashes, hives, psoriasis, acne)
Inflammatory conditions (arthritis)
Congested lymphatic system
“I believe that a toxic elimination system is the most common cause of ill health today, and the most dangerous. Fortunately it is also treatable.”
What are the potential health benefits of Colonics?
Benefits of cleansing the colon vary between individuals, as each person is unique and has different health goals. Please see our list of Indications for Colon Hydrotherapy HERE. Many clients have reported experiencing the following benefits:
Clearer skin
More regular bowel movements
Less cravings for unhealthy foods, drinks and alcohol
Deeper and more restful sleep
Improved metabolism
Greater energy and vitality
Greater physical endurance
Stronger immune system
Increased mental clarity
Less anxiety, depression and brain fog
Improved digestion
skin improvement
Weight loss and difference in shape of abdomen area
Easier menses for some women and vaginal yeast balancing
Less dependence on PHARMACEUTICAL drugs
opiate cravings relieved
Elimination of many food and environmental sensitivities and/or allergies
Improved emotional well-being
Feeling lighter inside
Feeling more gratitude and connection towards your body and journey
Understanding the spiritual significance of loving and intelligent self-care
Greater emotional processing and integration
Why do people choose to use Colon Hydrotherapy?
People choose to come for Colon Hydrotherapy treatment for a variety of reasons. Some of which may include:
Skin issues: acne, eczema, psoriasis, hives, dull skin tone.
Poor digestion: acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, cramping.
Preparation for colonoscopies; free of irritating drugs and chemicals.
To increase vitality and overall well-being.
As preventative health-care for your immune system.
To loose weight and balance metabolism (weight loss is a common side effect of cleansing the body and cultivating healthier habits. However, we always suggest that colonics be used first and foremost to regain greater health and facilitate cultivating balance in the body. Weightloss is not the goal, but is a common result of cleansing).
Are there any reasons that I should NOT receive Colon Hydrotherapy? + list of contraindications
Generally, this treatment is very beneficial for most individuals. However, there are certain instances when it is not appropriate for one to receive Colon Hydrotherapy.
Below is a list of contraindications for Colon Hydrotherapy. If you have experienced any of these conditions previously in your life, but the symptoms have healed or subsided, you may still be a candidate for receiving colonics. Clients with contraindications for Colon Hydrotherapy who may still be good candidates to receive therapy (ie: having hemorrhoids or colitis but they are currently not inflamed and not experiencing any symptoms whatsoever) will need a doctor's prescription in order to receive colon therapy. This is to protect all parties involved in the process.
If you have any questions about the below conditions and why they effect the safety of receiving colonics, please get in touch through the Contact Form at the bottom of this page and I am happy to explain. All clients are screened for these contraindications on our first telephone call or meeting.
Contraindications for Colon Hydrotherapy:
Pregnancy (first or third trimester)
Severe anemia
Epilepsy or psychosis
Congestive heart failure
Severe cardiac disease
Recent heart attack
Uncontrolled hypertension
History of seizures
Vascular aneurism
Renal Insufficiency
Kidney dialysis
General debilitation
Cirrhosis of the liver
Cancer of the colon or gastrointestinal tract
Carcinoma of the rectum
Intestinal perforation
Abdominal surgery (please call - depends what kind of surgery and how long ago)
Recent colon or rectal surgery
Abdominal hernia
Severe hemorrhoids
Fissures or fistula
Severe ulcerative colitis
Acute Crohn's disease
Acute diverticulitis
Rectal or abdominal tumors
Recent chemotherapy
Is Colon Hydrotherapy safe?
YES! Colon Hydrotherapy is a very safe way to cleanse and rehydrate the colon. The colonic equipment that I use is an FDA approved type II medical device. I only use disposable, single-use speculums, and the Colon Hydrotherapy device is sterilized with hospital grade germicidal after every treatment. All possible steps are always taken to ensure that your colonic experience is safe, comfortable and integrative. I am Chattanooga's only I-ACT certified Colon Hydrotherapist and have worked with hundreds of people on their journey of regaining their health. The International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists (I-ACT) is the largest professional governing body for Colon Hydrotherapists in the world.
What is the history of Colon Hydrotherapy?
This is a healing concept that dates back to ancient times. Jesus taught of the physical and spiritual healing abilities of enemas in the Essene Gospel of Peace. However, the very first mention of basic Colon Hydrotherapy in ancient texts was discovered in a medical document of Ancient Egypt, dated as early as 1500BC. As well, enemas were used as sacred ceremonial cleansing practices in the ancient tribes of the Amazon, central Africa, remote parts of Asia, central and South American Indian tribes, and for ancient Mayan Ceremonies. The wisdom of cleansing the bowel was understood to to treat various diseases, including disease symptoms that were of a spiritual nature.
“The uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like a tomb that outwards is painted fair, but is within full of all manner of horrible uncleanliness and abominations. And this holy baptizing is rebirth unto the new life, for your eyes shall henceforth see, and your ears shall hear. Fear no more, after your baptism, and the angels of air and water will eternally abide in you and shall serve you evermore.”
- Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace
More recently, Colon hydrotherapy was a very common place healing practice used throughout the 19th century all over the globe. Here in America, enemas and colon irrigation were very popular, and frequently in hospital settings throughout the 1920's and 1930's. Gradually, the use of this brilliant concept was decreased, as the popularity and big business of pharmaceuticals was on the rise. Enemas were replaced with forms of laxatives and stool softeners, which unfortunately overtook this incredible therapy because they were much more profitable.
There has definitely been a large cost, however, to the decrease in understanding and use of colon cleansing, and the rise in popularity of relying on chemicals to facilitate bowel movements. The pharmaceutical laxatives and stool softeners are dangerous and very irritating to the digestive tract and generally are habit forming, where one will become reliant on these form of drugs to create regularity with their bowel movements. These drugs are aggressive on the body and will weaken the digestive tract and colon. These drugs are only a band-aid solution because the actual underlying causes of the digestive troubles are being completely ignored.
What is the colon?
The colon is an amazing organ that, when functioning in a healthy state, takes care of many vital processes within our body. The small intestine leads to the colon, which comprises the last 4-6 feet of the digestive system, To understand what the colon is and how it operates, it's important that we understand the role of the digestive system in its totality. Our digestive system, also known as the gastrointestinal tract or alimentary canal, is basically a series of hollow organs (beginning in the mouth and ending at the rectum) that allow us to take in and process our external environment (food, liquids, medications, etc), and then excrete the body's waste products.
Our digestive system begins in the mouth, leading down the esophagus, into the stomach, and then into the small intestine which is roughly 21 feet long. Most of digestion process occurs here in the small intestine, where food is broken down and then absorbed into the blood stream to bring nutrients to all the cells of the body. After the small intestine, our food is now in a smoothie consistency (called bolus) because it has mixed with gastric juices. This bolus then finally enters the large intestine or colon. The entire digestive system is built of three layers of strong, muscular tissue and both the small intestine and colon each function to absorb different vitamins, minerals and proteins from the food we eat. So each of the intestines has its own specific role in the assimilation of nutrients for our body.
The colon is approximately 4-6 feet long with a wider diameter than the small intestine, and has many roles that are necessary for the health of the entire body. Aside from absorbing nutrients from our food, it also plays a vital role in synthesizing specific things that our entire body and mind need to function - vitamin K, vitamin B12, thiamine, riboflavin and more. Also, the colon plays a vital role in maintaining proper hydration in the body, as it's job is to re-absorb the liquid aspect of the bolus and thus create a healthy, firm bowel movement instead of diarrhea (which happens when food moves through the colon too quickly).
Additionally, the balanced ecosystem of the colon is vital for our digestive health and entire immune system. There is an incredible amount of bacteria within the colon - a mixture of beneficial flora, and generally also some 'unfriendly' bacteria. When our colons are congested with old waste, the less desirable bacteria tends to take over, which eventually leads to health problems in the colon and often systemically throughout the body as well. Approximately 80% of our immune system is nestled around the colon, and thus when the colon is congested and backed-up (literally like a clogged sewage drain), then the entire immune system becomes more stagnant, congested and dysfunctional as well. When the colon is congested with toxic material, it is being continually assaulted by toxins being leached back into the body through the blood supply. This is what is called auto-intoxication. A healthy immune system is directly related to a healthy gut, always. Any immune system problems will always point to dysfunction in the gut.
How is the colon similar to a sewer and what is auto-intoxication?
It is actually quite accurate to understand part of the colon's role in the body to liken it to plumbing or a sewer. Obviously, we excrete our waste through the colon and into the toilet typically. However, we live now in this world where due to the Standard American Diet, the stress of our modern lifestyles, how we choose to process our emotions, effects of pharmaceutical drugs, etc, we have forgotten how to take care of this organ that literally regulates most aspects of our physical, mental and emotional health.
So what happens when a sewage drain becomes congested and clogged? Well, things back up. Things stop moving. Harmful bacteria proliferates and toxins accumulate. Same exact scenario occurs in the colon when our external and internal environments and lifestyle are not aligned with vitality. Over time, the colon becomes more sluggish; it 'forgets' how to function appropriately as a congested colon loses muscle tone; old waste matter, mucous, yeast, bacteria, parasites and toxins accumulate; and we end up in a situation that undoubtedly will lead to some form of dis-ease symptoms over time. When the colon is backed up, literally every single organ, tissue and cell will be impacted by the toxic load that the body is holding in the colon. Hence, 90% of diseases begin in the colon -- and this is generally almost completely lifestyle related, and therefore approximately 90% of diseases are preventable when we know how to take good care of this one organ!
Auto-intoxication is the situation that results from a congested colon. To explain this very simply, a congested colon lined with old toxic material will inflame and weaken the lining of the colon. This situation then allows toxins, bacteria, parasites and the like to migrate through the inflamed tissues of the colon and into other body tissues and through the blood supply. This leads to acidosis of the body, sensitivities to many foods and ingredients, and often times systemic inflammation or overgrowth of candida yeast throughout the body. This creates symptoms in other parts of the body, which are then conventionally treated as their own problem, instead of understanding that the actual root cause is that the sewer of the body is backed up. Healing becomes very simple when we understand the functions of the digestive system and how to appropriately cleanse, heal and support the body.
Is Colon Hydrotherapy good for dehydration?
YES! Colon Hydrotherapy is a restorative therapy that improves they hydration status of your body. The water that is absorbed by your colon throughout your session works to cleanse tissue at the cellular level, all while removing toxins. This improves the detoxification and elimination abilities of the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin and colon.
Is Colon Hydrotherapy a safer way to prepare for a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy?
YES! Colon Hydrotherapy is actually the safest way to prepare your colon for the medical procedure of either a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. Colon Hydrotherapy is the best form of preparation for these procedures because it is the most effective way to cleanse the colon of fecal debris. The laxatives and purgatives that are generally suggested or prescribed are habit forming and aggressive to the entirety of the digestive tract, and in many instances will not actually clear enough debris from the colon to allow the physician to accurately assess the state of the colon. Colon Hydrotherapy as preparation for colonoscopies or sigmoidoscopies is much more effective, safe and gentle for the body. If Colon Hydrotherapy is used for this, there is no need to use enemas, laxatives or purgatives as preparation.
Physicians Protocol for Colon Hydrotherapy as preparation for Colonoscopy / Sigmoidoscopy:
TWO consecutive Colon Hydrotherapy sessions immediately prior to the medical procedure. THREE Colon Hydrotherapy sessions prior to the procedure for those that are more constipated.
A liquid diet and 2-3 Colon Hydrotherapy sessions have shown to be 100% safe and effective as preparation for colonoscopies.
(Physician's Protocol on Colon Hydrotherapy, 1994- Colonic Network School)
Common side effects / allergic reactions to laxatives:
Rash, hives, itching, swelling of the mouth/face/tongue, blood in stool, cramping, fainting, irregular heartbeat, hypo tension, cardiac and nervous system depression, elevated serum magnesium levels. Laxatives may influence the bowel to become 'lazy' by slowing the muscles in the anus and rectum which cause increased constipation and promotes bleeding/hemorrhoids.
Is Colon Hydrotherapy a good idea if you need a barium enema or have had one in the past?
YES! Colon Hydrotherapy is the most intelligent way to both prepare for and also recover your body from the effects of the medical procedure of a barium enema. Generally, laxatives and purgatives will be suggested in order to clear as much fecal debris from the colon as possible to get accurate results from the barium enema procedure. Colonics as preparation will allow for more accurate results from this procedure, and also make the use of enemas, laxatives or purgatives obsolete. As well. Colon Hydrotherapy is VERY IMPORTANT immediately following a barium enema to ensure that any residual opaque barium material is completely removed from the colon. Without colonics after a barium enema, it is possible that you can be exposed to additional radiation that lingers after the treatment. Colonics afterwards will also minimize any discomfort as a result of the retained barium.
*** A MINIMUM of TWO Colon Hydrotherapy sessions immediately after the barium enema are strongly advised, as there have been numerous reports of barium left inside the colon for 20-30 years after the procedure, which may result in greater radiation exposure and even scarring on the colon wall.
Physicians Protocol for Colon Hydrotherapy for Barium Enema Procedure:
Begin a clear liquid diet beginning on day one and continue until after barium enema.
TWO Colon Hydrotherapy sessions on consecutive days immediately prior to barium enema.
At least TWO Colon Hydrotherapy sessions immediately following the barium enema.
(Physician's Protocol on Colon Hydrotherapy, 1994- Colonic Network School)
Common side effects / allergic reactions to laxatives:
Rash, hives, itching, swelling of the mouth/face/tongue, blood in stool, cramping, fainting, irregular heartbeat, hypo tension, cardiac and nervous system depression, elevated serum magnesium levels. Laxatives may influence the bowel to become 'lazy' by slowing the muscles in the anus and rectum which cause increased constipation and promotes bleeding/hemorrhoids.
Is Colon Hydrotherapy a good idea to prepare for surgery?
YES! Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable modality in preparation of gastrointestinal surgery. Cleansing your colon in this way will provide a more optimal surgical field for the surgeon and also decrease the risk of potential postoperative complications due to the presence of bacteria at the suture line.
Colon Hydrotherapy can be intelligently and safely applied to all patients undergoing general or spinal anesthesia: cardiac, general, OBGYN or urologic surgery, as it can reduce problems with bowel function associated with general anesthesia following surgery. The use of strong laxatives, purgatives or enemas is therefore unnecessary if Colon Hydrotherapy is being utilized immediately prior to the surgery. Ideally, TWO consecutive Colon Hydrotherapy sessions will be used in the two days immediately prior to surgery. Timetable for a liquid diet prior to surgery will be decided by the surgeon.
(Physician's Protocol on Colon Hydrotherapy, 1994- Colonic Network School)
I'm planning to do an at-home liver and gallbladder cleanse. Do I need colonics with this?
YES! Liver cleanses can be very beneficial for the body. If you are doing a liver cleanse, it is vital that immediately before and after the cleanse that you do colonics to both prepare the body and also help evacuate the gallstones that will be released by the gall bladder into the intestines during the liver cleanse. It is very necessary that these gallstones be removed from the body promptly and that none become lodged in the colon, as the gallstones will be comprised of toxins and bacteria and chemicals that the liver has filtered out of our body. If you are going to do a liver cleanse, please connect with me so that we can intelligently time your colonics around the final day of your liver cleanse.
How long is a Colon Hydrotherapy session?
Your first session is 3 hours long because we thoroughly discuss your health history, goals and educate you on how Colon Hydrotherapy works. All subsequent colonics are 90 minute appointments, with the actual therapy treatment lasting 65 minutes. We also offer Budget Colonics which are 40 minutes of therapy time in a 65 minute appointment.
How is a Colon Hydrotherapy session different from an enema?
A Colon Hydrotherapy session hydrates, exercises, tones and cleanses the entire length of the colon. An enema generally will only be able to cleanse the lower area of the descending colon. A single Colon Hydrotherapy treatment can provide the equivalent benefit of 30 enemas. The Colon Hydrotherapy medical device is a closed system, and this makes it more comfortable and hygienic than an enema. Enemas are a beneficial way to deal with constipation issues from the comfort of your own home, but having a trained professional guide you through the cleansing journey is invaluable on many levels.
What kind of colon equipment do you use?
SoulBelly Wellness utilizes an FDA approved Type II Medical Device made by Dotolo Research Corp (Toxygen model). It is a closed system and we use single-use disposable speculums and hosing from Italy. This means that there is no mess and no smell during your colonic, for an easy, comfortable and dignified cleansing experience. The therapist is able to intelligently and intuitively monitor and adjust water pressure so that each colonic is tailored to the individual client and how their body cleanses and releases. Water is ALWAYS filtered with multiple different filters, including an ultraviolet light filter. This equipment is not gravity fed, and is able to use the most gentle of water pressure, as well as greater water flow during releasing to assist the body in pulling the waste material out of the colon. This is extremely safe equipment to use that allows the therapist to constantly see the amount of water pressure inside of the colon with the pressure gauge installed on the colonics device.
What can I expect?
You can expect your Colon Hydrotherapy treatment to be a relaxing and gentle cleansing experience. You can expect to learn more about your body and how to care for your digestive processes, and how to create more freedom from whatever symptoms you have been experiencing. Afterwards clients usually experience greater vitality, mental clarity and feel lighter inside. Please take a read of our What To Expect page.
How might I feel afterwards?
Generally clients feel greater vitality, mental clarity and lighter after their treatment. Many clients express feeling a deep sense of physical and energetic release and relief. Sometimes, however, clients may experience some detoxification symptoms afterwards. These symptoms will pass generally after a couple hours and resting and drinking more fluids helps greatly. Detox symptoms are not usually enjoyable, however they show us that the body is releasing toxins and cleansing deeply. This is a good thing! As we release more and more of the waste that the body has been holding onto, any feelings of detoxification should of course be lessened.
Will I need to go to the washroom many times after my colonic?
At the end of the session you will have ample time to completely evacuate your bowels in the washroom. You may have another bowel movement throughout the day, however you will not likely be running to the toilet continuously for the rest of the day. You should be able to resume your daily activities after your treatment – feeling energized and revitalized! Often times, depending on how much is released during and immediately after the session, you may not have a bowel movement for a day or so afterwards, which is completely normal.
How should I prepare?
Please follow the Psyllium and Bentonite prep protocol and any suggestions you were given over the phone when you booked your appointments. The prep work you do pays off! Following the suggested protocol will make your session more effective, easier and more comfortable. Please refrain from eating or drinking 2 hours prior to your appointment. However, DO ensure that you eat a light breakfast on the day of your treatment, as your body needs energy to cleanse! If you have questions on how to prepare, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Is it painful?
Colonics are not painful. Sometimes there may be moments of discomfort where you may feel some cramping, gas or toxicity. However, this discomfort passes as soon as the colon releases the waste matter. Breathing deep into the abdomen is the best way to relax the body and the colon, which facilitates an easier and gentler cleansing experience. At no point should you actually experience pain during your session. You always have the right at any time to end the treatment should you choose to.
Is it safe to have colonics while I am menstruating?
Yes! Receiving Colon Hydrotherapy during your menstrual cycle is beneficial, as the body is already cleansing and releasing during this time. Having a treatment can also help relieve cramping and PMS symptoms that some women experience. Using a menstrual cup or tampons will not adversely affect your Colon Hydrotherapy treatment.
Will Colon Hydrotherapy damage my normal intestinal flora?
No! Cleansing the colon through Colon Hydrotherapy allows the colon to finally begin ridding itself of toxic waste material containing mucous, harmful bacteria, toxins and likely parasites and candida. Having your colon lined with fecal waste creates an acidic environment in the body where ‘bad’ bacteria thrives and disease is initiated. When the colon is cleared of this toxic waste and is rehydrated, an alkaline environment is created where the ‘good’ bacteria can flourish and proliferate. After a series of Colon Hydrotherapy treatments we suggest taking high quality probiotics to facilitate rebuilding a healthier and more alkaline internal ecosystem.
How many sessions will I need?
The answer to this question will be different for each individual. It really depends on what your health goals are, where your health is at now, and what your health, bowel and diet history look like. We suggest a series of eight to twelve sessions to start for most individuals. Really, it has taken years, if not decades, for our colons to accumulate the toxins that they have, so just like going to the gym, to get the results that we want we must work at it. It is estimated that the average 'healthy' body has 5-25 pounds of accumulated toxic fecal waste residing in their colon. Removing this waste material takes an enormous burden off of the body, which is an amazing endeavor of course! However, this isn’t done in a single session. Whatever symptoms or bowel issues you have been experiencing, beginning with eight to twelve colonics will get you well on the road to better bowel care and greater overall health and vitality. That being said, of course any sessions that you receive will always be beneficial, but it all depends on what your unique goals are for your health and body.
How can I tell if I have toxic material in my colon?
One of the most important functions of the body is to become efficient + effective at removing toxins. In our current civilization in North America, each human is bombarded with toxins every single day through our food, water, air, body care products and pharmaceuticals. That is a huge toxic load, and it is vital that we are able to continuously eliminate these toxins out of the body. The colon is the main organ of elimination, and it can be interpreted as the sewer of the body. If the sewer is not functioning perfectly, toxins begin accumulating in the organs and tissues of the body, where they can be stored for a very long time. However, having toxins stored in the body and a colon that is not eliminating properly undoubtedly will lead to the creation of disease. Bernard Jensen states that 90% of disease begins in the colon.
Common signs of toxins stored in the body include skin problems, headaches, backaches, joint pain, foul breath, body odor, allergies, irritability, depression, anxiety, confusion, PMS, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gallstones, kidney stones, frequent flus and colds, mucous, and so forth.
When we begin cleaning the toxic material out of the colon, the colon is able to function better. This takes pressure off of the rest of the organs and tissues, thus allowing the whole body to function for effectively. This is why colon cleansing can create symptom relief in all areas of the body other than the bowel.
Why not use enemas, laxatives or suppositories instead?
Colon Hydrotherapy effectively hydrates and cleanses the entire 4 to 6 foot length of the colon, while an enema generally will only cleanse the first 6 to 12 inches of the rectum and sigmoid colon. Suppositories are similar to an enema in that they only assist the last 6 to 12 inches of the colon to expel waste material. Laxatives can be made from natural or pharmaceutical ingredients, and both types are capable of doing much more damage than good. Laxatives can be extremely irritating to not only the lining of the colon, but of the entire digestive tract as they are taken orally. Realizing that the laxative is irritating, the body will try to expel the laxative out by producing a thin and watery stool, while leaving behind the impacted waste material on the walls of the colon. Dehydrating laxatives can also greatly impair the absorption functions of the small and large intestines, and also hinder the ability of the colon to perform natural and strong peristalsis. Then, the colon begins to muscularily ‘forget’ how to have bowel movements, thus leading to even more constipation in the future. Laxatives also have a variety of unpleasant side effects and they are never recommended for long term use.
Common side effects / allergic reactions to laxatives:
Rash, hives, itching, swelling of the mouth/face/tongue, blood in stool, cramping, fainting, irregular heartbeat, hypo tension, cardiac and nervous system depression, elevated serum magnesium levels. Laxatives may influence the bowel to become 'lazy' by slowing the muscles in the anus and rectum which cause increased constipation and promotes bleeding/hemorrhoids.
Will I become dependent on or addicted to colonics?
No! Colon Hydrotherapy is a very safe and effective way to cleanse and hydrate the colon. Unlike irritating natural or chemical laxatives, Colon Hydrotherapy will NOT create any form of dependence. Instead, Colon Hydrotherapy will create a healthier, stronger and more alkaline colon. By removing the old and impacted, putrefying waste material and strengthening the healthy flora, we create a strong and vital colon which will support the rest of the body. When the colon is slowly filled with warm and pure water during treatment, the colon has something to constrict against, and this acts as a strengthening workout for the muscular walls of the colon. Over time, this toning of the colon will create stronger peristalsis, which equates to healthier and more frequent bowel movements. Colon Hydrotherapy is physical therapy for the colon.
Will I lose weight?
It is estimated that the average healthy person has 5 to 25 pounds of accumulated impacted fecal waste stuck within their colon. Colon Hydrotherapy facilitates removing this waste. It is also important to understand that toxins are also stored within the fat cells of the body, and thus when we begin to cleanse the colon of toxins; we give the rest of the body the ability to start detoxing more efficiently as well. The removal of these toxins can also result in weight loss.
Many people utilize Colon Hydrotherapy for the weight loss effects. As a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, it would not be integral to market this therapy as a form of weight loss or create any form of misleading advertisement of this. Yes, weight loss for people who are over weight is very often an added benefit to receiving this therapy, when that person also makes intelligent and healing adjustments in their diet, lifestyle, mentality and inner dialogue. It is important to desire to cleanse your body with the intention of changing your body and your life, and not merely shedding pounds. If weight loss is the main reason that you decide to have Colon Hydrotherapy, please be open to a journey that will likely be far more rewarding and educational than you may expect!
Will it be embarrassing?
No, not at all! In a therapy session, YOU gently insert a small and lubricated disposable speculum into your rectum. You are completely covered, and your privacy and dignity are respected and valued at all times. Disposable rubber tubing then caries warm and purified water into your colon slowly and gently, and then the waste material flows through disposable tubing straight into the sewage pipe. As it is a closed system, there is no mess and no odor! Our welcoming and comfortable environment is complete with soft music, essential oils and hot stones for your feet. Colon Hydrotherapy treatments are actually a very relaxing experience for most people!
Why is a series of colonics most beneficial?
A series of colonics provides a cumulative approach to cleansing, where each session builds on the hydration and cleansing efforts and effects of the one prior. It is important to book treatments close together, as the more hydrated the colon remains in-between sessions, the deeper and more efficiently it will continue to cleanse and balance. However, how close together is completely up to you and your specific health goals. Some clients have found great benefit in receiving Colon Hydrotherapy daily for a week, while others choose to have two days in a row either weekly or biweekly while cleansing. I am more than pleased to consult with you on your health goals and concerns, as there are many individual considerations involved with determining the appropriate pace of cleansing for each client. Please note that having a minimum of two sessions back to back over two or three days is ideal for cleansing. For the average American, it is a most intelligent idea to begin with a series of 8-12 colonics over a period 6-10 weeks.
How does Colon Hydrotherapy benefit the colon?
Colon Hydrotherapy can provide many benefits to the colon, which will then effect the entire digestive system, and that therefore will have an effect on the entire body.
Colon Hydrotherapy works to:
Cleanse the colon by hydrating, loosening and removing the old toxic fecal material that has built up on the walls of the colon. Along with this toxic material, harmful bacteria, parasites and candida can also be eliminated.
Tone the colon by exercising it through Hydrotherapy. This strengthens the muscular tissue of the colon, therefore facilitating stronger and more effective natural peristalsis, leading to more frequent, healthier bowel movements and it enables the body the ability to rapidly remove both new and old toxins.
Reshape the colon by removing the accumulated toxic fecal matter. Removal of this waste matter can help a prolapsed colon regain a more normal and healthy structure.
Have beneficial cleansing effect on the blood, tissue and every organ of the body. The colon acts as the sewer of the body, and when the sewer is backed up and toxic, then the blood will also be congested and toxic. When the blood is in this state, then every cell, tissue and organ in the body will also be congested and have great difficulty removing INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL toxins. When the colon is freed of these toxins, every cell in the body is given the opportunity to begin cleansing as well. Effective and safe cleansing can only happen if the colon is cleansed first. If we begin detoxifying other organs and tissues while neglecting the colon, we will be hazardously releasing potentially pathogenic toxins into the blood where they will continually circulate throughout the body and likely cause more harm than good. Having the colon functioning well during times of detoxification is very necessary as so that we do not overwhelm the other organs of elimination in the body. As well, 80% of the immune system resides around the large intestine. When the toxic congestion is released from the colon, the immune system can begin to function more effectively.
Create greater psychological well-being. The colon is where we energetically experience the emotions of fear and control. When the colon is supported and freed of emotional and physical toxins, it can have relaxing, clearing and freeing effects on one’s state of mind. Very interestingly, in the vagus nerve, which connects the colon and the brain, roughly 90% of the neurotransmitters travel from the colon to the brain, whereas it was believed before to be the opposite. This means that the colon is constantly feeding the brain information about our internal and external environments, and that the colon and its state of health greatly influence the workings of the brain. Pretty amazing! Also, it has been proven now that 95% of serotonin is actually produced in the colon – not the brain. This knowledge has huge implications considering such a large percentage of the population is on SSRIs and anti-depressants. The colon is even known as the Second Brain! When we care for the colon, the colon cares for the rest of the body. Lastly, our psychological health is drastically influenced by the presence of parasites and overgrowth of Candida yeast. Intestinal parasites give off toxins while they are alive and also when they die. However, some of these toxins are neurotoxins, which have the ability to affect the personality, choices and behaviors of the host (us!). Parasites therefore can directly impact our diet and lifestyle choices, without us knowing, in a way that supports the proliferation of the parasite.
Stimulate reflex points in the colon. As every organ system of the body is mapped within the colon (alike reflexology and iridology), when an area of the colon is cleansed, hydrated and stimulated, the corresponding organ and energetic meridians of the body can also be affected in a beneficial way.
Do I need a Doctor's prescription to receive Colon Hydrotherapy treatments?
Generally, no. For most individuals, a doctor's prescription is not necessary to begin Colon Hydrotherapy treatments. However, if you have previously or are currently experiencing any contraindications for Colon Hydrotherapy, and you still want to receive this therapy, a Doctor's prescription is necessary. Please contact with any questions you may have about this and to see if you are a candidate to receive colonics.
I've been having digestive problems and nothing is fixing it. How do I know if Colon Hydrotherapy is a good idea for me?
To put it simply, the human body is a fancy and sophisticated hollow tube from your mouth to your rectum (your digestive tract). Your approximately 37 trillion cells surrounding your digestive system all function in relation to the health (or lack of health) of your digestive tract, how well you are absorbing your nutrients, and how well you are excreting the waste products. So, when we begin cleansing, hydrating and healing the colon through these sessions, automatically the functioning and health of the entire digestive tract is effected.
When our colon's are congested and toxic - until this is resolved - how are we supposed to know what symptoms we experience are actually problems that we have to endure? If the plumbing of the body is backed up and toxic, it's likely that most issues we experience are either directly or at least indirectly affected by a toxic/inflamed digestive tract. 90% of disease begins in the colon, so it only makes sense that taking loving, healthy care of the digestive tract should thus eliminate roughly 90% of disease symptoms. When we understand how the body actually functions, changing and healing becomes very possible and really quite simple.
How do I book my first sessions?
If you are realizing that Colon Hydrotherapy will most likely tremendously benefit your current health circumstances, please complete the Contact Form or call me at 423-504-9094. We will first discuss on a phone call what you are experiencing, what you are desiring to change or heal, and ensure that you are not experiencing anything that may be a contraindication for this form of therapy. We will book your first two appointments for in a weeks' time, and schedule your first sessions ideally on two days back-to-back.
I have a child with health issues that I think Colon Hydrotherapy will help to heal. Can children receive colonics?
Yes, it is generally safe for most children and adolescents to receive Colon Hydrotherapy.
However, it very much depends on the health of the minor and what symptoms they are experiencing. Please contact me directly to inquire more about potentially administering Colon Hydrotherapy to a minor.
Often, if Colon Hydrotherapy is indeed deemed appropriate and safe for what the minor is experiencing, less colonics are generally needed to regain proper digestive functioning than for an adult. This is largely due to the fact that the minor has not had decades of digestive issues building up like many adults have.
If you wish to have your minor receive a Colon Hydrotherapy session, we must have a parent or legal guardian complete a waiver form, and this parent or legal guardian must be present for the entire duration of the therapy session. As well, a doctor's prescription will ALWAYS be necessary in order to provide therapy to a minor.
Please note that if your child or adolescent is experiencing digestive issues, allergies, inflammation, etc, there are often many small changes and adjustments that we can make in the diet to remedy what they might be experiencing. If you have questions, please feel comfortable to contact us to look at appropriate options.
What if I am late to my appointment?
Please do your best to arrive a few minutes early for your session so that you can feel settled and at ease for your session. Healing House has a beautiful and comforting waiting room for you in case I am still in a therapy session.
Please call or text if you are running more than a few minutes late.
Generally, if you arrive late, your session will simply be shorter and only last the amount of time that is left in the time frame that we initially scheduled you for. It is important that we create mutual respect for one another's time and energy.
What if I miss my appointment or need to cancel?
24 hours notice is required to reschedule or cancel an appointment.
If you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours notice (or do not show up), you are responsible for your session fee and your card on file will be charged, or one session deducted from your package. Again, mutual respect for one another's time and efforts is important. If you do not show up to your appointment, that time slot could have been used to assist someone else in their healing journey.
Cancelling or rescheduling with 24-48 hours notice will be charged a $20 administrative fee.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept payments of cash, credit cards, debit cards, and personal cheques.