Heavy And Full


The moon is heavy and full,

And I am heavy and full.

This does not feel like typical download

This is more of a line of sight becoming larger

And more accurate.

There is just this moment.

And then it is gone.

Many more to come surely.


Completely uncertain,


So kiss.

Make music.

Linger longer,

Or say no faster.

Utilize the ebb and flow as more than a scenic float

Down the river of human life.

Use your days.

Add back and alter the tapestry of this planet, reality and universe.

Dare to think bigger

Than you ever thought was possible.

Think outside of your own thoughts.

And then drop into your Heart.

You matter

Because you do indeed 

Affect everything

in all directions

Spanning all of time.

Remember your magnificence.

And so it is.


JUNE 27 2018 #1

When we try to pick out anything by itself,

We find it hitched to

Everything else in 

The Universe.

-John Muir

soul downloadIvy Rose