Size of Sight


This night,
She understood.
Her largeness; her smallness.
An integral member of a team of trillions.

Her work would feel both large and small.
it is her quantum donation of energetic influence
to the shifting of timelines.

We are but a blink in time.
This moment and this reality
slowed in a line that gives meaning
to ten thousand things.

Step outside of yourself.
Outside of the stories;
Outside of the lines.
Step outside both larger and higher.

Look larger outside of time. 

Look first a little before you.

look next just a while after you.

what about thousands of years before you.

And after you.

What about that?

That time exists
As well.

We are but a blink in time.
Our energy;
a gift to this timeline and galaxy.
To you and to me.

MAY 26 2018

soul downloadIvy Rose