Always Begin with the Gut

For 7 years now I have seen the literally life changing effects of colonics on peoples’ bodies. Even moreso, however, I personally suffered for over 25 years with very ill health, and finally on the verge of serious disease. It was colon hydrotherapy that saved the day for me. That, with a consciousness that learned to trust the body's innate wisdom and incredible blueprint to heal itself. 


I speak highly of colon hydrotherapy not because it is my profession. I am an advocate of colon hydrotherapy because simply stated, we have to clean the old stagnant waste out of the body. Whether we are talking of simple home plumbing that is congested and erroded, or the engine of a car -- when and functioning system begins retaining waste products, there will be undesirable consequences. With the average human body storing between 5 to 25 pounds of old, putrefying, toxic waste residual of past meals over the years.... how can we bare to think for a moment that this situation is not affecting us every single second of every single day. 

I advocate for cleansing one's digestive tract for many different reasons. Firstly, roughly 80% of your immune system surrounds your gut. Stagnant gut equals stagnant immune system. Secondly, capillaries within the gut are absorbing substances from your digestive tract into your blood supply. Dirty gut equals dirty blood, which therefore affects every cell, tissue and organ in the body. Also, the tissue integrity of the gut lining directly impacts the tissue integrity of the blood brain barrier (BBB), therefore creating potential brain inflammation and the transfer of any pathogen or toxin within the blood into the brain. Also, the gut is filled with more neurotransmitters than the brain and feeds the brain tremendous information about our reality. Again, dysfunctional gut can equal neurological, emotional, mental and cognitive effects. Serotonin and B vitamins are also synthesized in the gut, so an unhealthy gut is likely to increase emotional and mental instability and lack of balance. An unhealthy gut will also then add to greater burden and toxic load on other organs of elimination like the bladder and kidneys (UTI's/kidney infections), skin (hives, acne, boils, rashes), and the lungs (bronchitis, asthma). Ah, I still have so many reasons why cleansing the bowel is absolutely necessary for nearly all humans in North American culture. More reasons down this incredible rabbit hole of true preventative health care in future posts.


I am a strong advocate of cleansing the digestive tract because simply:

If your bowel is congested and toxic, you are absolutely not living in your full biological, emotional, cognitive and spiritual potential. When the body is burdened by continually holding onto and mitigating the affects of the toxic load being carried within your abdomen at all times, how is your body and mind supposed to have true clarity, incredible energy, balanced emotions, heightened intuition, and effective physiological functioning? Well, the body simply has a glass ceiling on its abilities in all facets of human life while it is burdened and overwhelmed by its internal toxic load. And thus, approximately 90% of diseases ALL begin in the GUT. You see, the leaching affects of a toxic gut slowly affects any or all systems of the body to some degree, for it cannot be any other way. Everything is connected in the body. Nothing is separate. Nothing is random. So, this is how we say hello to inflammation in the body and auto-immune conditions.

Do you see how simple this is? A toxic, congested, acidic gut full of unfriendly bacteria is directly or indirectly the culprit of nearly all of the symptoms that we may experience. We are talking all things from Alzheimers and dementia to ADHD and anxiety and depression. From acne and allergies to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. From alcoholism and eating disorders to gout and multiple sclerosis. From arthritis and gout to Crohn's disease and colitis. The gut is the home of the beginnings of all of these conditions. 

So it is not that I am just wanting to promote colonics. My message is much bigger than this. It is time for us as humans to remember the ancient art of healing our bodies through the process of creating and maintaining a healthy digestive tract. Most ancient cultures and many current world cultures take wise use of the brilliant affects of colonics and enemas. When you simply keep the digestive tract healthy and balanced, the body is strengthened and is more resilient and adaptable.  Cleansing your body is the most intelligent way to begin healing, and absolutely the smartest way to create a strong foundation of true health in your body. This is what health care truly is. This is about us becoming responsible for our own health and taking the steps necessary to simply learn how to take really good care of these bodies. When we are not distracted and consumed by our symptoms and what the imprison us from experiencing in our lives, then we can actually have the attention and energy and focus to become the people we truly strive to be. We clean the junk out of the trunk so that we can get real about our sh*t and take control of our lives. 

So why do we begin at the gut? Yes, focus on your diet and move your body intentionally and do other therapies and self care actions and take supplements if you like... But if you are carrying around 5-25 meal's worth of old putrefying food in you, then how much good can really any of the good things that you are doing for yourself actually be? The body already has so much to deal with.

I'll tell you this about my own life: if we had been a bowel conscious society when I was constipated at 5 years old, or 10, or 15, or 20, or 25, my life at each point would have been able to go in a radically different direction. Of course I am grateful for my journey and my vitality now and the role that I hold to space for those I can, but the tremendous suffering within my body and spirit would have been so much less. All of that illness, the money it costs, the time and energy it steals and the burden it creates on your loved ones is just such a high price to pay. Literally 90% of diseases are all gut related. Which means whether we get these symptoms or we do not is completely within our individual control. No one else. This is why I practice colon hydrotherapy. It's time to remind each other that it is very simple and straightfoward to take care of these bodies in a way where we life purposeful, vital, energetic and balanced lives. We gotta simply clean out the old waste and energy we hold on to, get ample water, great food, sunlight, laughter, love and whatever your form of creativity uniquely is to you.

So do you partake in the therapies you love, the vitamins that make you feel good, the practices that make you feel at ease and centered. Be all the incredible things that you already are. But clean out your body also. It is time. See how every aspect of you may shift when you become clear and balanced within your body. From the inside out. From the bottom up. It's all very simple. It's all very easy.


In gratitude,


Ivy Rose