5 Reasons We All Must Cleanse
Welcome to my blog for all things holistic health and consciousness expansion.
If you are new here, you’ll soon find that this website is full of useful information that can greatly affect your experience of being a human and living a healthful and vibrant life, full of sustainable energy and an evolving consciousness. I have a passion of knowledge for knowledge’s sake, and always witness in my practice that when humans are ready to learn to adopt a new perspective of themselves, their body, their food and lifestyle - incredible shifts and transformations begin in the body, health, weight, emotions, mindset and in general in their daily lifestyle. You, too, deserve to create the balance and change that you know inside you seek. And this is why I am now (finally) creating more forms of content to reach and support more people. So welcome, and I am grateful our paths are crossing.
My name is Ivy, and one of many hats I wear is that of an internationally certified Colon Hydrotherapist. Because I have an interesting background of holistic and professional trainings, my expertise focuses on why our health is at a certain point currently, how we got here, and how we create more benevolent alignment so that we may quickly and easily transition out of suffering and create the health and life transformation that we seek. My approach is so effective because we together recognize that the actual changes that you seek must be understood and worked on many levels, and we must adopt a fresher and more holistic perspective. Most often we try to create changes without getting at the root of an imbalance, whether it be physiological, emotional, energetic or spiritual. You are a multidimensional being, and true transformation takes place not simply in the physicality of your body.
The beginning place for physical transformation for most all of us, however, is simple. Actually, very simple.
If you want ____________________ ( fill in the blank with… )
To sleep better. Have better skin. Get rid of the migraines. Stop being bloated. Finally end your constipation. Or your diarrhea. Lose weight and keep it off. Experience better energy that lasts all day for everything you need and want to do. End food or alcohol cravings. Finally stop smoking. Reduce or get off of medications. End food sensitivities and seasonal allergies. Regrow hair loss. Regulate your menstrual cycle. End PMS. Stop UTI’s and yeast infections. Reduce inflammation, joint pain, headaches. Become more alkaline. Feel more like yourself again…
If you experience any of the above, and likely whatever you wrote in the blank for yourself, the first task to begin is cleansing the body. And often the process of cleansing will clear up many issues. Thus, once the body is cleansed and rebalanced, often we realize that we don’t actually have the problems we thought we did. Cleansing does not generally mean simply and only going to the health food store and buying a packaged ‘cleanse’ and doing it for a week or two. Cleansing safely and intelligently means temporarily reducing or eliminating certain things from our diet and lifestyle that create burden and inflammation, while offering the body greater love, support and rest through dietary and lifestyle shifts. When we begin this process, which will look a little different for each person, we create a new process in the body of detoxification and rejuvenation. And whether you wish to change your insides, your outsides or the situation you live within; cleansing is the most intelligent place to begin.
Cleansing is a unique experience for each body. It is important to understand that what your body has been through in this life will generally determine what your experience of cleansing is like, the pace that feels right for you, how long it takes and what specific approach you’ll feel best taking. It’s always a journey, and it is always worth it. So understand that whatever it is that you filled in your blank with, changing the body through cleansing will be the first step if we want to create real and lasting change, likely that which you have long yearned for but not yet attained.
5 Reasons you absolutely want to cleanse your body:
#1 We all have pounds of old food (fecal waste) stored in our intestines.
Gross to think about, but true and necessary for us to acknowledge. For most people, it’s out of sight and out of mind, and there is not conscious awareness that they literally have a bunch of old food rotting in their body. THIS is the foundation of why so many people are ill, inflamed, overweight, uncomfortable and unhappy in their body. Your average ‘healthy’ human body easily has between 5 and 25 pounds of old waste accumulated in the gut.
As a Colon Hydrotherapist, this is what I see being released every day out of people’s bodies, and I must tell you that removing this inflammatory, acidic and toxic waste from the body has huge and immediate impacts on how every single client feels from they time they arrive to when they leave my office. Over 90% of all diseases and symptoms that we experience all begin in the colon. And the colon becomes congested with waste and therefore becomes toxic, acidic, inflamed and leaky. And this is quite simply due to our lifestyle and diet. And all of that is completely within our sovereign control over our bodies and lives, and thus, 90% of diseases and symptoms and whether or not we experience them is also completely within our control and our free-will daily choices and habits. What I’m getting at is that to remedy and prevent 90% of diseases symptoms, we begin with cleansing the body so that it can get rid of everything stored that is creating internal problems. Remember that all diseases are years, if not decades, in the making. You don’t just ‘get sick.’ It is all brewing in the belly long before the average person realizes there is significant imbalance.
#2 There is more living in your body than you know, and we must eventually cleanse this stuff out.
Understanding that we all have at least pounds of old food and waste products stored within the small intestine and colon, we also now understand that this is the perfect breeding environment and home for opportunistic organisms, pathogens, unfriendly bacteria, parasites, yeasts and mucous. This is simply how nature works. If there is rotting, decomposing waste anywhere on the planet, organisms and microorganisms of different kinds will be enlisted to help the decay and decomposing cycle. This is the microcosm in the macrocosm. And it is the same in our own bodies, right the the guts of our bellies. Whatever your body has stored and not digested (physical/emotional/spiritual), your body will enlist the assistance of opportunistic organisms, pathogenic bacteria, parasites and yeast to help the decomposition process.
This, however, is of course at the detriment of our health, as all of these bacteria, microorganisms and critters create huge toxic burden, inflammation and more. So if we have rotting food in the body, there will be unfriendly things there to help consume it.
Parasites released during Colon Hydrotherapy Treatments
The ecosystem of our bellies dictates our overall state of health on ALL levels. These unfriendly opportunists consume our nutrients, feed off of our blood and tissues, lay thousands of eggs daily in our bodies and excrete waste products into our bodies. The give off toxins and neurotoxins, which create brain inflammation, mood challenges, anxiety and depression, cravings and more. This should not be ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ This must become common knowledge because ALL OF US are dealing with the consequences of having bellies full of waste and foe. Also, a blog post coming soon on all of the many symptoms and ailments associated with parasites, bad bacteria and yeast in the gut. Knowledge, here, is your best, most empowering friend.
#3 The state of your gut ecosystem affects everything in your body
Regardless if you are actively experiencing digestive problems and gut symptoms, what is happening in your gut is massively affecting the health and functioning of every cell, tissue and organ in your body.
Allopathic (mainstream) medicine views the body as an accumulation of separate components and unfortunately fails to acknowledge the interconnectedness and magnificent system that the human body is. It is proven that approximately 90% off all dis-eases and chronic, inflammatory and degenerative symptoms we experience are developed first and foremost in the belly - specifically, the colon. So when we have a colon environment that is caked in impacted fecal matter (and therefore the bad bacteria, yeasts, parasites and mucous that cohabits within the waste matter), we have a toxic, acidic and inflamed organ that’s then sending this toxicity, inflammation and dysbiotic information to the rest of the body.
Some fun facts to help you understand how colon inflammation and toxicity impacts the entirety of YOU:
more than 80% of immune system (lymphatic system) resides within the colon.
more than 1,000 lymph nodes are within the gut
upwards of 95% of our serotonin is synthesized in the colon
the colon feeds the blood, so the blood then takes this toxicity to every cell, tissue and organ
a primary part of your nervous system (enteric nervous system) IS the gut
when the gut is inflamed and ‘leaky,’ the blood brain barrier also becomes more permeable, resulting in the toxicity and pathogens in the blood now being able to enter the brain
Here you can see that if the colon is congested, toxic and inflamed, the rest of the body will be impacted as well. THIS is how we understand that most all diseases (that you were not born with) originate from the ecosystem putrefying in our bellies. If we have rotting poop and all the crappy critters that feast off of it stuck in our bodies, OF COURSE things are going to start working less than optimal, and only get worse in time. Again, I understand that this is gross to read, but you need to read it and understand this. This is the key to your own transformation. You cannot completely transform you health, weight, body shape, mental and emotional health without addressing whatever is stuck inside of you. Old toxic waste in the body is a glass ceiling, completely inhibiting us from reaching our healthiest and sustaining vitality.
#4 Everything around us and on us is polluted
So far, we have only discussed the pollution and toxicity that grows within us due to build up of food / fecal waste. There’s much more to this though. Most of us know by now that we are currently living in an increasingly toxic world here in North America. All aspects of our lives and our naturalness have been violated by genetically modified organisms, man made chemicals, carcinogens, heavy metals, EMFs and ELFs and much, much more. We are polluted through the air, tap water, pharmaceuticals, foods and drinks, vaccines, plastics used for everything, our dental hygiene, clothing, make-up, hair dye, skin care, fragrances and room fresheners… and the list goes on nearly indefinitely.
These pollutants are aggressively burdening our bodies on a daily basis, but most of us are not sensitive enough to realize that this is what is actually happening. A lot of people just feel tired, exhausted, under the weather, moody, foggy, and not realize that this is not normal, not natural, and not the way you ought to be feeling. Feeling like this tells us that the body (as a system of intelligent, spiritual organs) is burdened and needing compassionate support at the core of us.
With all of this in mind, we can clearly see the need to detoxify our bodies from everything we have accumulated in the gut, as well as on a cellular level, in order to truly become well and vital. For most people this is an initial detox to help remove whatever has been stored in our body during our decades on the planet, and then ideally during this process of learning and growing, we create a lifestyle and diet more aligned with natural laws and that we gradually facilitate the simple ways of steady daily detox and cellular support to our bodies. Cleansing gently and intelligently becomes an easy daily lifestyle.
#5 All bodies have limits
When we begin to understand ourselves from a more gut-conscious perspective, it becomes very easy and simple to understand that of course the body is going to reach limitations over time with how much toxic burden we are able to tolerate before the body begins to show us symptoms. Usually once symptoms begin appearing (maybe cold/flu, yeast issues, anxiety/depression/fogginess/forgetfulness/moodiness, PMS, digestive troubles, skin issues, etc), we opt for a quick fix and some instant gratification to feel ‘better.’ Normally this is a pill for each ill, maybe a cream, etc. But it is not natural and will never be lasting, as we still have not addressed the pounds of putrefying waste and all its opportunistic frenemies that go with it.
So over time, we begin have symptoms, and then more symptoms, and eventually our band-aid efforts to suppress symptoms and not address the root become less effective. If there’s a symptom you are band-aiding, know that eventually you will absolutely have to get to the root cause of it in your belly. There is no other way. But the longer we keep band-aiding and suppressing, the larger the situation we will eventually have to deal with will be. And coming from a previously very toxic and sick person, trust me that it’s easier to do sooner than later, and before symptoms get worse and take more of your energy, time, money and strength.
Another way that we often experience and witness the body having limitations, is when people begin having worse and worse symptoms, or symptoms that spread and start affecting other organs and tissues as time goes on. People will often not be doing things that are worse for them, but just keeping up the status quo and things start getting worse. Or, sometimes people will start cleaning up their diets and drinking more water, but things don’t really improve much, or they also become worse. These are situations that show us that again, we must get to the actual root of the imbalance, which is the dysbiosis in the belly. Our internal ecosystems are ‘off,’ and it’s beginning to affect many other aspects of us. What our personal physiological limits look like will be different for each of us, and of course greatly impacted by our habits, diets, lifestyles, emotional patterns and stations of identity consciousness.
It is my hope and intention that this blog post creates a clear image and basic understanding of why it is necessary for ALL of us to eventually explore the intelligent process of cleansing and detoxifying the body. If this perspective goes overlooked, avoided or disregarded, we will only become more ill and disenchanted with mainstream food, medicine and life. There is no real need for us to have poor health that creates suffering. That consciousness is a gimmick to keep people weak, controllable, less conscious, foggy and unwell, and to support the selling of man-made pills that only band-aid while creating deeper issues and toxicity in the body.
Becoming truly healthy, where we experience vitality daily and balanced emotions, is a real option for all of us. And as it is simply an option, or a choice, it is up to each one of us individually to decide how well we want to feel and what we are willing to learn in order to create the life and health that chose to experience in this life.
Healing is an inside job, and it it available to all of us. It’s about information, learning ourselves and our body, regaining our own sovereignty and becoming our own advocates.
Please take what is useful of this for your growth and discard the rest :)
With gratitude for this journey,